Задачи: 1. Развивать умения аудировать с целью детального понимания содержания.
2.Формировать терпимое отношение к мнению другого человека.
3. Совершенствовать речевые навыки.
4. Использовать подвижные и разнообразные формы работы.
ТСО: магнитофон
Ход урока.
I. Приветствие.
Hello, dear students! I’m glad to see you.
II. Речевая зарядка.
Have you had breakfast today? Do you always have breakfast?
Don’t forget that breakfast is the most important meal. Your work at the lesson depends on it.
By the way, what are we going to talk about today?
Yes, we’ll talk about your attitude to a subculture and a healthy way of life.
We’ll discuss if a subculture is good for their members’ health and how you support your healthy lifestyle.
III. Развитие навыков аудирования.
People have different opinions about a subculture. Listen to the text and fill in the gaps. Some words are missed here. What does this speaker think about a subculture? (такие слова, как miserable, awful, to be forbidden выписываю на доску). Do you agree with his opinion? What do you disagree with?
Text. More ...., more vandalism exist than it did ten years ago. Many people think that their lives have been made miserable by.... ..... out on the streets late at.... . Young people are more.... than ever. All these groups or subcultures are ..., because all of their members are violent. They only think about.... against ...., its laws, they.... everything, they protest against their.... and school. I think they are potential ...., their groups are like gangs. I think all these groups should be....
(Words: violence, young people, night, violent, awful, rebellion, society, reject, parents, criminals, forbidden).
We see that some people think that a subculture is awful. Do you think that any subculture influence people’s health? How?
IV. Работа в парах.
What does a healthy lifestyle include?
e.g. sport, no smoking, no drugs, no alcohol, healthy food etc.
I would like you to answer the questions of the healthy eating test. I have got cards with the names of subcultures. Draw any card. Will you sit together, please, if you have got the cards with
similar names.( учащиеся, получившие карточку с одинаковыми названиями субкультур, садятся вместе и обсуждают вопросы теста. После учащиеся возвращаются на свои места)
Healthy eating test.
1. How often can you eat at McDonald’s without damaging your health?
a) once a week b) once a month c) once a year
2. Which is the most important meal of the day?
a) breakfast b) dinner c) supper
3.How much water should we drink every day?
a) 1 litre b) 2 litres c) 3 litres
4. Is snacking (eating between meals) good for health?
a) Yes, always b) No, never c) It depends upon what you eat
5. How often should we eat fish?
a) once a week b) twice a week c) every day
V. Развитие навыков высказывания собственного мнения.
It’s good that you try to eat healthy food and think about your health.
But is a subculture good for the health of young people who join it? (3 минуты на обсуждение,
учащиеся могут работать в парах)
Are you for or against a subculture? I want you to express your opinion. You may use a felt-tip pen. If you are for, use a red colour, against- black, don’t mind – green.
(каждый учащийся выходит к доске и высказывает своё мнение, называет причину и ставит галочку в соответствующей колонке: за, против или не возражает, используя соответствующий фломастер. Затем подсчитываем количество мнений).
e.g. I’m against a subculture because I don’t want to change my lifestyle.
VI. Совершенствование речевых навыков.
Young people who belong to a subculture express themselves in different ways and develop their own lifestyle. What do you do to express yourself, to develop your own lifestyle, to show off, to show a rebellion, to change the world to the best, to support a healthy lifestyle?
VII. Обмен мнениями.
Many young people want to join a subculture? Why?
Students: they want to express themselves, to develop their own style distinct from others, to know who they are, to rebel against the society, to reject everything, to have their own values etc.
Would you like to join a subculture? You may find out if your classmates want to join a subculture. For this purpose you should fill in the table.
Name of the student Yes No Why?
(каждый учащийся получает таблицу)
You may come up to any classmate and ask him. Try to ask as many classmates as possible.
VIII. Заключение.
It is for you to decide to join or not to join a subculture, but you must take care of your health.
Try to support a healthy lifestyle.
Don’t forget that health is above wealth. |